Discover Your Roots, Uncover Your Story
Discover Your Roots, Uncover Your Story
Please reach out to us with any questions.
No research is considered exhaustive but will be performed to the best ability of Unearthed Genealogy LLC. There is always the possibility that more data exists that was not discovered at the time of the project. Absolute proof of genealogical relationships is usually not possible unless determined by a direct DNA match. At times, obtaining the goal information in full may not be possible even after all resources are exhausted by Unearthed Genealogy LLC due to availability of records and contracted time limitations. I understand that the Client’s desired results may not be found within the contracted time period due to availability of records, limited DNA match results, and contracted time limitations.
Unearthed Genealogy LLC is affiliated with Ancestry® as of 22 February 2024. If you click on an affiliate link and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission. This does not result in any additional payment by the user to Unearthed Genealogy LLC. Mentions of associated products, services, businesses, etc. may or may not be listed with every reference. Money earned via affiliate links helps pay for the fees associated with running out website and the ability to pay for a wider range of resources to use in the course of our research. Thank you for showing your support to both Unearthed Genealogy and Ancestry®. Unearthed Genealogy LLC releases all liability for transactions between the consumer and Ancestry®. This site and services are used on the basis of my experience and what I find to be the most resourceful due to their ability to provide the most accurate information, wide variety of sources, and networking capabilities between users.
Unearthed Genealogy LLC is not affiliated with or compensated by 23andMe®,™, FamilyTreeDNA®, GEDMatch®, or any other genealogical website other than Ancestry®. No commission is received for using, recommending, or accessing these sites. These sites are used on the basis of my experience and what I find to be the most resourceful due to their ability to provide the most accurate information, wide variety of sources, and networking capabilities between users. Any affiliated links posted will clearly be stated.
Unearthed Genealogy LLC is not responsible for the content posted on any site referenced on my page and cannot be held liable.
Any and all information gathered during the course of research will contain the appropriate citations in reference to the source of the information. Unearthed Genealogy LLC will not represent someone else’s work as their own.
Accepted forms of Payment include Zelle, Venmo, and PayPal. A 50% deposit is required upon signing of the final contract and prior to research beginning. The remainder of the total fee and reimbursable expenses* are due upon receipt of invoice**. Upon receipt of payment in full, the final report will be emailed to the Client in PDF form within 3 business days.
Zelle (no fee):
Venmo (Additional processing fee of 2.99% + $0.10 per transaction, Venmo to Venmo 1.99% + $0.10 per transaction): @UnearthedGenealogy
PayPal (Additional processing fee of 3.49% + $0.49 per transaction): @UnearthedGenealogy
Fees and due dates included on the signed contract supersede any advertised pricing or pricing discussed during any correspondence. Any reduction/ waiver of fees is at the discretion of Unearthed Genealogy LLC and its owner, Amber Jackman. Prices subject to change without notice. All quoted prices will be honored if contract is signed within 3 calendar days of quote. All advertised sale prices will only be honored if contract is signed within 24 hours of the sale end date.
*Additional reimbursable expenses include but are not limited to fees incurred to obtain records from Vital Records from Local or State repositories, photocopies, postage, travel & lodging (where applicable). All receipts provided.
**There will be a late fee of 5% added for every 7 calendar days the invoice date has passed and payment has not been received.
Due to the time involved in these searches, refunds are not available. This includes if information found is unfavorable to the client's wishes, but is derived from facts/ if the information is not available to be found.
Please note that during your initial consultation, there is no obligation or expectation of payment. Once the contract is signed, all payments are non-refundable, even if the Client chooses to cancel the project. Upon the completion of the contracted hours and receipt of invoice, the Client is responsible for payment in full.
Services are rendered upon agreement of project scope, signed contract, and payment of deposit. Content on webpage and final reports are the sole property of Unearthed Genealogy LLC and cannot be duplicated, published, or otherwise reproduced without Unearthed Genealogy LLC explicit written consent and credit given. All rights reserved.
We will not reuse, resell, or publicize information provided by the client or the results of our research without client's written consent. Information provided by the client will be returned or deleted upon request. Please contact us for more information.