Discover Your Roots, Uncover Your Story
Discover Your Roots, Uncover Your Story
In Genealogy, DNA is the only way to provide 100% certainty of an existence of a biological relationship. Although DNA cannot tell you about your exact relationship with someone, we can use the results in conjunction with other research to find out more information.
Unfortunately, historic records are not always accurate. Additionally, there are times when family relationships and records were hidden intentionally or lost over time.
DNA testing is extremely valuable in terms of Birth Family searches for adoptees and searching for a family member who was placed for adoption. In some states, it is very difficult or even impossible to obtain your pre-adoption records because they have been sealed. As long as other family members took a DNA test on the same platform you did, your matches will show up. Sometimes even if a direct match does not show (ex. your birth parent), we can use your other matches to help pinpoint who your birth family is.
DNA can provide a map to help us lead to where to look to find answers. But it is only a starting point in most cases.
*This website uses affiliate links for Ancestry® that may result in a small commission to Unearthed Genealogy at no additional cost to you.
We inherit half of our DNA from our mother and half from our father but that leaves half of each that we do not inherit. When DNA is passed to the next generation, it is a random draw of which parts get passed down. Sometimes, you will even find siblings where one has one ethnicity that doesn't even show up for the other sibling!
Testing is a great way to find out which parts you inherited and what your estimated makeup is. As generations get further apart, they share less and less DNA with each other. You will share more DNA with a parent than you would a Great-Grandparent, and 1st cousins will share more DNA than a 3rd cousin would, and so on.
I know for me personally; I grew up thinking I was mostly Italian, with some German and some French. Well after my test, it turns out I am mostly Scottish with smaller amounts of Italian and Irish with no traces of German and French. I never would have guessed! And an even bigger shock was my sibling was almost completely Italian!
Privacy is often a concern when it comes to DNA testing sites.
When you take an AncestryDNA© test, it is a saliva collection you do at home that is sent to a lab that Ancestry® uses. The lab does not have access to your name or information. All they have access to is an individual code that you are assigned. You will need that code to register your test on Ancestry© website. Only people you are biologically related to, who also tested, will be visible to each other. You cannot just search a person and see their DNA results. You also have the option on their site to limit privacy settings.
For the purpose of the searches provided by Unearthed Genealogy, the selected option to be viewed as a DNA match is required. Without this option selected, we cannot view who you have been matched with on the site. We do not share your DNA information, match information, or any other family relation information with any outside party unless you authorize us to in the consent form provided in your Contract.
Each individual testing site has their own Privacy Policies. I encourage everyone to read through them prior to testing in order to understand any potential risks and answer any questions you may have. I can provide the links for individual testing sites upon request.
Click the link below for more information regarding Ancestry© philosophy regarding their DNA testing services. (You will be redirected to their website)
*This website uses affiliate links for Ancestry© that may result in a small commission to Unearthed Genealogy at no additional cost to you.
Please contact us for more information regarding DNA and Privacy for other DNA testing sites.
As listed on Ancestry® 's website, "Ancestry does not voluntarily cooperate with law enforcement. To provide our Users with the greatest protection under the law, we require all government agencies seeking access to Ancestry customers’ data to follow valid legal process and do not allow law enforcement to use Ancestry’s services to investigate crimes or to identify human remains."
Click the link below for more information regarding's policies regarding their DNA testing services and requests from Law Enforcement. (You will be redirected to their website)
This website uses affiliate links for Ancestry® that may result in a small commission to Unearthed Genealogy at no additional cost to you.